Thursday, October 17, 2013

Getting Dressed

 I had to laugh on this particular day, at how far the girls have come getting dressed on their own. It wasn't too long ago that Maya's outfits were a little silly. But now she's such a big girl, she does a perfect job at matching and coordinating. Mallory, on the other hand, still needs some help in that area!
Mallory insists on getting herself dressed, and she's so sweet and excited about it - I just have to laugh!


Mom said...

They are growing up so fast!

Dalene said...

Laughing so hard. Almost daily I say to someone about Kaia, "Just for the record, she dressed herself today," because, well, she dresses a lot like Mallory in these pictures! :-)

joelle said...

My sister mismatches her socks too...only she is 26. I say Mallory has some nice personal style!

joelle said...

For the record. It is not 5:47am right now as my previous comment states, it is way am I up that early!!

Michelle said...

I love Mallory's face. She looks so dang proud of herself!

Katie said...

They are soooo cute! Ruby and Mallory would love playing dress up together :) I am sure they could give each other some great tips!